TM 9-6115-624-BD
String or wire (item 33 or 34, appx c)
Non-porous material (rubber, poncho, raincoat)
Thin sheetmetal (cans)
Gasket sealer (item 13, appx c)
Clamps (item 5, appx c) or ( item 3, appx b)
d. Procedural Steps.
(1) Option 1: Hose, small leak.
Figure 6-6. Hose, Small Leak.
(b) Clean dirt and oil from damaged hose.
(c) Coat the damaged area with gasket sealer.
(d) Wrap a non-porous material (poncho, rubber mat) over the leak.
(e) Secure the material with a clamp.
(f) Install radiator cap in pressure release position.
(2) Option 2: Hose, small leak.
(a) Gain access to leaking hose.
(b) Clean dirt and oil from damaged hose.
(c) Cover the damage with a rubber mat section.
(d) Wrap the patch with electrical or duct tape.