TM 55-6115-491-40
The brush support assembly is temporarily positioned on the stator with alignment hole
temporarily aligned.
h. Position the capacitor (4) on the bearing
terminal board with nuts (1) and lock washers (2).
support; secure with three nuts (5), lock washers (6), and
toward anti-drive end) on the stator housing; secure with
flat washers (7). Tighten the nuts to 17 to 20 inch-
four screws (72) and washers (73).
pounds torque. Connect the capacitor leads to the
Position the six AC leads onto the studs and temporarily snug into place with six washers
each (10 and 11) and nuts (9).
Wipe the ID of the bearing liner lightly with
bearing retainer (61) on the support assembly; secure
with four screws (62) and washers (63).
grease (item 2, table 2-3). Install the ball bearing (65) in
the bore of the brush support assembly. Position the
Use new bearings each overhaul. Always match "D" or "F" coded bearings with the same
soding as drive end flange.
k. Position the baffle disk (59) on the drive
splines 120 degrees apart shall not show more than
0.010-inch total indicator reading difference. Check the
end of the rotor (60). Apply a light film of grease (item 2,
runout of the collar at the end of the permanent magnet
table 2-3) to
the ball bearing seat and press the ball
rotor (54). Runout shall not exceed 0.005-inch total
bearing (57) onto the rotor shaft; secure with the
indicator reading.
retaining ring (58). Position the flange (55) on the ball
q. Seat the brushes as follows:
bearing and carefully press into place. Install the baffle
(1) Cut a strip of 4/0 to 9/0 sandpaper just
disk (64) on the anti-drive end of the rotor shaft and after
slightly wider than the commutator surface with a length
positioning, press the rotor assembly in the generator
of 1 / 16 to Vs inch less than the circumference of the
commutator. With a piece of masking tape, fasten one
Align the holes in the machine flange with
end of the sandpaper (the rough side facing out so that it
those in the generator stator and install the four screws
will contact the brush) in such a manner that the taped
(56). Tighten securely.
end of the sandpaper will be in the direction of rotation.
m. Position the baffle disk (64) on the end of
The other end of the sandpaper will be wrapped around
rotor shaft. Position the permanent magnet rotor (54) on
the commutator and left loose. Properly affixed, the
the rotor shaft.
loose end of the sandpaper will overlap the portion of the
n. Install the retaining ring (15) in the groove
masking tape adhering to the commutator such that
of the splined shaft (19). Lubricate the splines of the
when the armature is rotated the brush will ride off the
splined shaft with grease (item 4, table 2-3). Position the
loose end of the sandpaper onto the taped end of the
adapter spline (12) on the splined shaft; secure with a
sandpaper. Install the brushes in the brush holder (wear
washer (14) and retaining ring ( 13). Install plastic
mark pointing toward anti- drive end); secure with screws
insulation (1 9A) over the drive shaft.
(22) and lock washers (23).
o. Insert the splined shaft (19)' through the
(2) For preliminary seating of slip ring
shaft of the rotor assembly so that the splines are
brushes, install sandpaper on slip rings in same manner
properly engaged. Hold the splined end of the shaft with
as for commutator.
a wrench and install the inner portion of the two-part
(3) Assemble the brushes in place against
locknut (20) on the threaded end of the splined shaft.
the sandpaper and carefully proceed to rotate the rotor
Tighten to 180 to 200 inch-pounds torque. Install the
approximately 10 turns, by hand until a partial seat is
outer portion of the two-part locknut on the inner portion
obtained on the brushes.
and tighten to 125 to 150 inch-pounds torque.
p. Using a dial indicator, check the runout of
,the splined end of the splined shaft (19). Three