TM 9-6150-226-13
DISE and PDISE cables may be fabricated at direct
support level.
Cable Selection.
Your choice of DISE or PDISE cables should be based
on the distances between the locations selected for the generator set, the
distribution center, and the tents.
Remember, the longer the cable the greater
the voltage loss at the users end.
Keep the total cable lengths between the
generator set and the user equipment under 300 feet (91.44 m).
If the user
equipment is sensitive to voltage loss, you may have to use shorter cables.
Cables may be fabricated at direct support level of maintenance as shown in
Appendix F.
High voltage is present in this system.
supports equipment using 120/208 V ac.
Do not submerge
cable connectors in water.
Death or severe injury may
Bury cables which cross roadways.
DISE and PDISE cables
may be damaged by tactical vehicles.
Cable Routing.
Route the system cables to avoid vehicle roadways and
troop walkways.
If a cable must cross a roadway, bury the cable (refer to FM
20-31) to protect it from damage.
Do not lay cable connectors in depressions
where water can collect.
See Figure 2-9 for a typical power system layout
based on the supposed field situation in Table 2-2.
Use lubricant (item 3, App E) to aid in mating DISE and
PDISE cables.
Connection of Cables.
Work outward from the users equipment to the
feeder/distribution center.
For the supposed field situation based on Table 2-
3 and Figure 2-9, connect the DISE and PDISE equipment as follows:
(1) Secure sufficient branch circuit cables to #1 tent frame with
the securing straps in a manner convenient and safe for the user.
(2) Connect required number of duplex receptacle boxes to the branch
circuit cable.
Connect an extension cable between the branch circuit cables
and the M40 or M40 A/P distribution center 200-amp output connector.
(3) Connect a service/feeder cable of the desired
distribution center output connector (J-2).
Connect the
welder input provided the welder contains a military standard
length to the M40
other end to the
connector. If