TM 9-6150-226-13
(e) When
types of loads (light or
(f) When
inductive types of loads
watts and volts are given on the equipment, resistive
heat) are indicated.
horsepower and amps are given on the equipment,
(coils or windings) are indicated.
Examples of resistive
loads are light bulbs, heaters,
coffee pots, etc...
Examples of inductive loads are fans, drills, motors,
transformers, etc...
(2) Using the above information, perform the following steps:
(a) Draw up a table as illustrated in table 2-3.
(b) Record location and description of all power consuming
(c) Record the voltage rating (120v single-phase or 208v three-
phase) and the number of receptacles (output) needed (Plugs or Mil-Std./
Universal Adapter).
(d) Record al 1 known information (Kilowatts and Amps).
(e) Calculate for all unknown information (Kilowatts and Amps)
using the Rule of Thumb Formulas and record them when completed.
(f) When recording amps, place information in the correct
column for single-phase amps and three-phase amps.
(g) Add UP the total of all columns (for the example on table
2-3 there are 19 plugs, 1 universal adapter, 9.540KW, 66.95 single-phase amps,
and 4.5 three-phase amps).
Keep in mind that all power consuming equipment might not
be energized at the same time.
Generator Selection.
Choose the proper power source for your
Remember that not all power consuming devices will likely be
energized at the same time.
Therefore; you should determine the maximum power
demand (highest total KW load) that will exist during actual operation. Select
a generator large enough to support this demand (for the example on Table 2-3
10 KW will be used).
If connecting DISE/PDISE equipment to power sources that
are paralleled,
ensure that connections are made to the switching device
used in
the paralleled generators.
DISE and PDISE Selection Considerations.
Although both distribution
(40 amp and 60 amp) provide single-phase output power, they cannot be
series or be cabled to each other.
The 60 amp system is a stand alone