TM 9-6115-647-14&P
Remove two screws (3) and two washers (4) and remove K2 contactor cover (5) from
terminals A1, B1, and C1. Detach J10 wires.
Remove all tiedown straps binding J10 harness wires to other PDU wiring.
Remove four screws (6), four flat washers (7) and four nuts (8) and pull J10 wiring
harness out of PDU housing (9). Remove gasket (10).
Unscrew and remove connector cover (11) from connector J10 (12).
Slide gasket (10) over harness wires and up against flange of connector (12).
Feed wires through J10 opening in PDU housing (9).
Seat flange of connector (12) against housing (9) with four screws (6), four flat washers
(7) and four nuts (8). Make sure tab of connector cover chain (11) is mounted to flange
with lower corner hardware.
Install connector cover (11) on connector J10 (12).
Using figure 4-9 for wiring information, connect four 16 gauge wires to terminal board
TB1 (1), one 6 gauge wire to ground stud E1 (2) and three 1 gauge wires to contactor K2
(13). Install K2 contactor cover (5) with two screws (3) and two washers (4).
Bind four 16 gauge wires (to TB1) to adjacent wire bundles using tiedown straps.
Close and secure PDU door.
Change 1