TM 11-6125-252-15
52. Troubleshooting Procedures
5-1. General
The first procedures of troubleshooting are done
a. The direct support maintenance procedures
at the operator's and organizational maintenance
5-7 supplement the procedures described in chap-
shooting procedures given in this chapter further
ters 3 and 4.
The systematic troubleshooting
isolate the trouble and give repair information
procedures, which began at the operator's and
as applicable at this category of maintenance.
organizational maintenance level, are carried to
a higher level in this chapter.
53. Test Equipment, Tools, and Other
b. A thorough visual check of the equipment
Equipment Required
should be made when trouble occurs. Check for
broken or disconnected cables. Check for damaged
All test equipment, tools, and other equipment
required to perform the testing procedures given
or broken enclosures on the motor generator or
filter box.
in this section are listed in the following charts:
a. Test Equipment.
b. Tools.
c. Other Equipment.
a. Make a visual inspection of the unit. This
5-4. Troubleshooting Motor Generator
will frequently disclose a loose or broken wire
Whenever difficulty is experienced with a motor
or other obvious cause for faulty operation or
locate the fault. If visual inspection does not
b. Make the following electrical tests in order
locate the fault, proceed with the electrical tests
to locate electrical faults. Before making any
tests on the motor generator (except operational
provides additional assistance in locating trouble.