TM 11-6125-252-15
ment under test control setting columns; t h e n
is returned to the using organization. The testing
perform each specific test procedure and verify it
procedures may also
be used as a guide for testing
against its performance standard.
equipment repaired
at direct support maintenance
if the proper tools
and test equipment are avail-
c. Special requirements. The following must be
l5 a and b f o r p e r f o r m a n c e
able. See paragraph
p e r f o r m e d in preparation for the motor genera-
b. Each test depends on the preceding one for
c e r t a i n operating procedures and, where appli-
cover as much as necessary to remove Cable A s -
sembly, Power CX4541/U. Note the location of
the black and white conductors.
with the instructions preceding the body of each
chart before proceeding to the chart. Perform
(2) Fabricate special test cable No. 1 (fig.
each test in sequence. Do not vary the sequence.
6-1) and connect it in
place of
the CX-4541/U.
For each step, perform all the actions required
Connect the black and white conductors at their
proper terminals.
in the Test equipment control setting and Equip-
Figure 6-1. Special test cables.