TM 11-6125-252-15
plished by that category of maintenance. Defects
plugged into the output receptacle on the motor
beyond the scope of organisational maintenance
will be referred to higher category of mainte-
nance. However, troubleshooting performed at
and plain washers that secure the motor gener-
the organizational maintenance category can de-
ator to the shelter frames, and remove the motor
termine which part of the generator is defective.
b. Replacement. Refer to paragraphs 2-1
b. Procedure. Perform the preventive mainte-
through 2-4 for installation.
if there is any cause for failure to operate. If no
4-10. Troubleshooting
cause for failure to operate can be found and cor-
a. General. Troubleshooting the motor gener-
ator consists of isolation of the trouble. If the
with a motor generator which is in good operating
defect is within the scope of operator or organi-
zational maintenance, the repair will be accom-
Change 2