TB 9-6115-644-13
Remove top housing from Generator Set in accordance with TM 9-6115-644-24.
Approximately 10" from inside of left door hinge, Figure 5-2, and 3" from left side panel, drill 1 7/16" diameter hole in
exhaust duct floor.
Attach one end of exhaust hose (1), to exhaust elbow (9) with clamp (8). Apply 2 thick beads of RTV around exhaust
port of heater and attach exhaust elbow (9) to heater (7). Move elbow in a position that doesn't interfere with anything in
the line to the hole drilled in step 5.
Route exhaust hose (1) through the hole drilled in step 5 and turn hose down to exhaust duct floor. Using one of the
existing screws that mount the air duct channel to the exhaust duct floor, attach spacer (2) to the existing screw that will
allow the exhaust hose to be secured approximately in the middle. Using RTV provided in kit, apply RTV around hose
and hole in exhaust duct floor to prevent movement. Secure exhaust hose (1) to spacer (2) using clamp (6), nut (5), lock
washer (4), and washer (3).