TM 9-6115-624-BD
Record the BDAR action taken. When the mission is completed, as soon as practicable, repair the generator using
standard maintenance procedures.
5-15. Fuel Line (Low Pressure Rupture). Low pressure fuel lines can rupture or crack for various reasons. Frozen
water in the lines, vibrations, rubbing against other components or impact can all cause the line to rupture or crack.
Repairs can be performed rapidly to stop the leakage and continue the mission.
a. Limitations.
b. Personnel/time required.
1 soldier/0.5-10 hours
Tape (item 21, 22, or 23, appx c)
Wire (item 33 or 34, appx c)
Fuel hose (item 8, 9, or 10, appx c)
Hose clamps (item 5, appx c)
Sealant (item 14, appx c)
Metal tubing (mirror arms, old hydraulic line, or similar material)
This sheet metal (coffee can, can, or similar material)
Shell casing, 5.56 mm or 7.62 mm
d. Procedural Steps:
(1) Options 1: Repair of damaged fuel hose.
Figure 5-4. Fuel Hose Repair.
(b) Cut a piece of metal tubing longer than the length of the hose section removed. If tubing is not available,
cut the ends from a 5.56 or 7.62 mm shell casing.
(c) Apply a sealant to the ends of the tubing.
(d) Insert the metal tubing into the hose ends.