TM 9-6115-624-BD
5-18. Option 2: Repair Line. If a replacement line is not available, repair the defective line. Remove it from the
generator and clean it. Braze pin holes closed. If the hole is too large for this procedure, cut out the section of line. Use
a piece of slightly larger metal tubing as a sleeve, overlapping both cut ends of the injector line. The sleeve should fit
tightly over the injector line; if it is too loose, crimp to get a tight fit. Then braze or silver solder both ends of the sleeve
to the fuel line.
5-19. General. Fuel filters are needed to remove dirt and water from the fuel. Dirt and water will cause damage to the
fuel injectors if fuel is not filtered. Fuel filters are normally mounted in series, a primary and a secondary filter. Fuel
filters should only be by passed as a last resort.
5-20. Fuel Filt er Clogged or Frozen. The first indication of clogged or frozen fuel filters will be a failure of the engine
to start or degraded performance due to insufficient fuel. Fuel filters if drained periodically should not freeze. Clogged
filters must be cleaned or changed to correct the problem.
a. Limitations.
Possible engine internal damage if filters are bypassed.
b. Personnel/time required.
1-2 soldiers/0.25-0.33 hours
d. Procedural Steps.
(1) Option 1: Cleaning filters.
(a) Gain access to fuel filters.
(b) Remove the fuel filter from the canister.
(c) Rinse the filter in a pan of fuel or blow out with compressed air; if frozen thaw out.
(d) Reinstall the fuel filter.
(e) Start the engine.
(2) Option 2: Bypassing the filters.
(a) If the engine will not start, disconnect the fuel inlet line.
(b) Disconnect the fuel outlet line and reconnect it to the fuel inlet line.
(3) Other Options: Remove filter elements.
Record the BDAR action taken. When the mission is completed, as soon as practicable, repair the generator using
standard maintenance procedures