TM 9-6115-624-BD
Figure 5-2. Plugging Holes in Metal or Fiberglass Tank.
Fuel Tank Substitute . Tactical operations may not allow sufficient time to make normal or expedient repairs to
the generator's fuel tank. A more rapid repair can be improvised by installing a substitute fuel tank. The fuel tank should
be mounted to avoid interfering with operating components. Use as large a container as possible. All DOD generator
sets are equipped with an auxiliary fuel connection point in order to facilitate the use of any external fuel supply. A fuel
hose of sufficient length must be fabricated to connect the external fuel tank to the auxiliary fuel connection point. If
fittings will not go with jury rigged tank, fill hose with fuel and insert the end into the tank. Be sure the fuel tank is higher
than the auxiliary fuel connection point to facilitate siphoning.
a. Limitations
Possible limited operating time
b. Personnel/time required.
1 soldier/0.5-1.00 hours
Fuel contair.3r (5 gallon gas or oil can, 55 gallon drum, etc.)
Neoprene fuel line
Hose clamp (item 5, appx c)
Rope or strands (item 12, appx c)