TM 55-2925-236-40
c. Secure the end bell capacitors in place with
d. Position the terminal board capacitors as
e. Apply the epoxy mixture with a paddle or
spatula to form a fillet. On the end bell capaci-
tors, cement the capacitors and loop clamps to
the housing. Wipe away all excess material be-
fore curing.
f. Allow the mixture to cure for 24 hours at
room temperature or for 3 hours at 150 F (66
The only lubrication required for the starter
generator is after assembly, coat the drive shaft
spline with a light film of spline lubricant (item
use high-temperature lubricating grease (item
Note. Use of sealing compounds is specified
throughout the reassembly paragraphs.
four washers (31), sixteen insulating washers
(32), and four insulating tubes (33).
(3) Coat the area between the insulating
Reassembly is basically the reverse of disas-
washers and the electrical contact holder bosses
tighten screws (29) to a torque of 75 to 80 pound-
and the detailed instructions (paragraphs a and
b) for reassembly information.
a. End Bell Assembly.
(1) If capacitors (6, 13, 20, and 27, figure
(52, figure 31 ) in position on housing and stator
32) were removed or
replaced, secure them to
(53). Apply sealing compound (item 14, table 2-
end bell (34) and cement as described in para-
3) to threads of two screws (50). Secure termi-
nal board (49) to the housing and stator with
Note. Terminals of capacitors (6) will be
two screws (50) and two washers (51), making
secured to electrical contact holders (28) when split-type
sure to install the terminal of capacitor (15) un-
brushes are installed (paragraph b). Terminals of capaci-
tors (13, 20, and 27) will be secured to threaded holes in
heads of screws (29) at final assembly (paragraph b).
moved or replaced, secure them to terminal board
(2) Using brush box aligner (1106006-1)
and brush box aligner pilor ( 11060051 ), secure
(3) Install identification plate (46) on
electrical contact holders (28) to end bell (34)
housing and secure with four screws (47).
with four screws (29), four lock washers (30),
(4) Mount bearing retainer (45) and one
dirt slinger (43) on the drive end of armature
assembly (39).
(5) Mount bearing retainer (37) and one
dirt slinger (35) on the commutator end of arma-
ture assembly (39).
(6) Stand armature assembly (39) on rotor
stand (1106149). Heat ball bearings (36 and 44)
to 250 F ( 121 C) and install on armature as-
sembly (39), making sure that the dirt slingers
are properly positioned.