TM 5-6115-631-14&P
a. Power Cable Assembly Test.
Set multimeter for continuity testing.
Set switch box rotary switch to GEN 1 position and locate power cable assembly associated
with that switch position.
Test white wire by touching one probe of multimeter to load terminal LO on generator set
and touching other probe to load terminal on switch box. Multimeter must indicate conti-
nuity between these points.
Repeat step (3) for black wire (between L1 on generator set and A1 on switch), red wire
(between L2 on generator set and A2 on switch), and blue wire (between L3 on generator
set and A3 on switch).
On power plants supplied with the 5-wire configuration switch box, the green (ground) wire
must also be tested. Disconnect wire from frame ground stud under generator set control
panel. Test for continuity between free end of wire and ground stud E1 on switch box.
If multimeter does not indicate continuity exists on each wire in the cable, replace power
cable assembly (paragraph 4-25, d.).
To test power cable assembly associated with GEN 2 switch position, perform steps (2)
through (6) substituting switch terminals B1, B2 and B3 for terminals A1, A2 and A3, as
test points. Generator set load terminal designations and wire color-coding is identical for
both power cables.
b. Switch Box Internal Wiring Test.
Set multimeter for continuity testing.
Test wires between switch terminals and load terminals by touching probes to each of the
following pairs of test points: L1 on switch to L1 load terminal, L2 to L2, and L3 to L3. If
multimeter does not indicate continuity between each pair of test points replace associated
wire (paragraph 4-25, c.).
Test wires and socket associated with GEN 1 indicator light by testing for continuity between
switch terminal A2 and socket XDS1, and switch terminal A3 and socket XDS1. If multimeter
does not indicate continuity exists on both of these wires, replace light wire assembly
(paragraph 4-25, b.).
Test wires and socket associated with GEN 2 indicator light by testing for continuity between
switch terminal B2 and XDS2 socket, and switch terminal B3 and XDS2 socket. If multimeter
does not indicate continuity exists on both of these wires, replace light and wire assembly
(paragraph 4-25, b.).
On 5-wire switch box only, test ground wire by touching one probe to wire terminal L0 on
switch box terminal board and touch remaining probe to E2 on switch box. If multimeter
does not indicate continuity, replace associated wire (paragraph 4-25, e.).