TM 9-6115-729-24
REMOVAL - Continued
4. Remove four screws (Figure 1, Item 10), retaining plate (Figure 1, Item 11), and crankshaft pulley (Figure 1,
Item 6).
5. Remove two screws (Figure 1, Item 4), washers (Figure 1, Item 12), and belt adjusting arm (Figure 1,
Item 13).
6. Remove three screws (Figure 1, Item 14) and bracket (Figure 1, Item 15).
7. Remove screw (Figure 1, Item 16) and idler pulley (Figure 1, Item 17).
1. Apply grease to bearings in idler pulley (Figure 1, Item 17). Install idler pulley (Figure 1, Item 17) on belt
adjusting arm (Figure 1, Item 13) with screw (Figure 1, Item 16).
2. Install bracket (Figure 1, Item 15) and three screws (Figure 1, Item 14).
3. Install belt adjusting arm (Figure 1, Item 13), two washers (Figure 1, Item 12), and two screws (Figure 1,
Item 4), but do not tighten screws (Figure 1, Item 4).
4. Install crankshaft pulley (Figure 1, Item 6), retaining plate (Figure 1, Item 11), and four screws (Figure 1,
Item 10). Torque screws (Figure 1, Item 10) to 130-165 lb-ft (175-225 Nm).
Dash marks on front of the damper must be in alignment, or a new damper must be installed.
Maximum permissible runout on the face of the damper is 0.080 in. (2.03 mm).
5. Install damper pulley (Figure 1, Item 3), damper (Figure 1, Item 9), eight washers (Figure 1, Item 8), and eight
bolts (Figure 1, Item 7). Torque bolts (Figure 1, Item 7) to 33-47 lb-ft (45-65 Nm).
6. Position water pump belt (Figure 1, Item 5) on crankshaft pulley (Figure 1, Item 6) and idler pulley (Figure 1,
Item 17). Tighten tension on belt adjusting arm (Figure 1, Item 13) and tighten two screws (Figure 1, Item 4).
Torque two screws (Figure 1, Item 4) to 43-51 lb-ft (58-69 Nm).
7. Use a wrench to rotate tensioner pulley (Figure 1, Item 1) clockwise (CW), position alternator belt (Figure 1,
Item 2) on damper pulley (Figure 1, Item 3) and tensioner pulley (Figure 1, Item 1), and slowly release
tensioner pulley (Figure 1, Item 1).
0104-3/4 blank