TM 9-6115-729-24
1. Remove nut (Figure 1, Item 1) and lockwasher (Figure 1, Item 2), and disconnect bracket (Figure 1, Item 3)
from air inlet heater (Figure 1, Item 4).
2. Pull back boot on cable (Figure 1, Item 5), remove nut (Figure 1, Item 6) and lockwasher (Figure 1, Item 7),
and disconnect cable (Figure 1, Item 5) from air inlet heater (Figure 1, Item 4).
3. Pull back boot on cable (Figure 1, Item 5), remove nut (Figure 1, Item 8) and lockwasher (Figure 1, Item 9),
and remove cable (Figure 1, Item 5) from air inlet heater relay (Figure 1, Item 10).
4. Pull back boot on cable (Figure 1, Item 11), remove nut (Figure 1, Item 12) and lockwasher (Figure 1, Item 13),
and disconnect cable (Figure 1, Item 11) from air inlet heater relay (Figure 1, Item 10).
5. Remove two nuts (Figure 1, Item 14), four washers (Figure 1, Item 15), two bolts (Figure 1, Item 16), and air
inlet heater relay (Figure 1, Item 10).
6. Remove nut (Figure 1, Item 17), two washers (Figure 1, Item 18), screw (Figure 1, Item 19), and loop clamp
(Figure 1, Item 20) from air inlet heater relay bracket (Figure 1, Item 21).
7. Remove two bolts (Figure 1, Item 22), washers (Figure 1, Item 23), and air inlet heater relay bracket
(Figure 1, Item 21).
8. Remove two studs (Figure 1, Item 24), six bolts (Figure 1, Item 25), eight washers (Figure 1, Item 26), clip
(Figure 1, Item 27), bracket (Figure 1, Item 3), air inlet elbow (Figure 1, Item 28), and air inlet heater (Figure 1,
Item 4), from air inlet manifold cover (Figure 1, Item 29).
9. Remove two bolts (Figure 1, Item 30), washers (Figure 1, Item 31), four bolts (Figure 1, Item 32), five washers
(Figure 1, Item 33), clip (Figure 1, Item 34), fuel filter bracket (Figure 1, Item 35), air inlet manifold cover
(Figure 1, Item 29), and gasket (Figure 1, Item 36).
10. Remove two plugs (Figure 1, Item 37), O-rings (Figure 1, Item 38), plug (Figure 1, Item 39), and O-ring
(Figure 1, Item 40).
1. Install O-ring (Figure 1, Item 40) and plug (Figure 1, Item 39) in air inlet elbow (Figure 1, Item 28).
2. Install two O-rings (Figure 1, Item 38) and plugs (Figure 1, Item 37) in air inlet manifold cover (Figure 1,
Item 29).
3. Apply primer to both mating sides of gasket (Figure 1, Item 36) and allow to dry for five minutes.