ARMY TM 9-6115-673-13&P
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-512-1
Place multimeter test leads on edges of slip rings to avoid creating arcs on
brush contact surfaces.
Using multimeter set for ohms, check rotor for between 3 and 3.5 ohms between slip rings (Figure 5-
46). Also check for open circuits between rotor body and each slip ring. Replace entire rotor
assembly if indications are other than stated.
Inspect capacitors for evidence of overheating (burned wire/insulation).
Test capacitors as follows:
(a) Using multimeter set for ohms, connect multimeter leads to capacitor wire lugs. Note ohms
indication on multimeter.
(b) Reverse multimeter leads on capacitor wire lugs. Note ohms indication on multimeter.
Resistance (ohms) readings should be high in one direction and low in the other. If readings
are high or low in both directions, capacitor is defective and must be replaced.
e. Assembly.