TM 9-6115-647-14&P
Repeat steps b through d for each remaining wire In cable Refer to figure 4-6 for correct ongoing
and destination of each wire.
If an open or short is detected in cable, replace cable or notify higher level of maintenance for
Figure 4-6. Control Cable Wiring Diagram.
P3 Power/Control Cable Testing. (See figure 4-7) The P3 power/control cable runs from the PDU to
J3 on the adapter plate assembly A continuity test is used to detect faults In the cable.
Set multimeter controls for continuity testing.
Open cover latch on PDU and lift cover to allow access to cable wire terminals inside PDU
Disconnect P3 from adapter plate assembly.
Touch one multimeter test probe to connector P3 contact A. Touch remaining probe to wire terminal
at contact A1 on PDU contactor K1. Multimeter must indicate continuity if it doesn't, there is an open
in connector or wire.
With one test probe still at P3 contact A, touch second probe to each of the following terminal
locations on the PDU terminal board TB1 contacts 1, 13, 16 and 17, contactor K1 contacts B1 and
C1; and ground stud E1. In each of these positions, multimeter should indicate greater than 10
ohms. If reading is less, cable is shorted.