TM 9-6115-647-14&P
5-17. General. Power unit marking is done in accordance with MIL-STD-642 and MIL-STD-130. If required,
touch up painting of the base color shall be done in accordance with MIL-T-704, Type F or G, Color Green, No
383 of MIL-C-46168. When power unit has been painted in camouflage, replacement parts must be painted to
match authorized patterns and colors as specified in TB 43-0147. Application of camouflage paint shall be
in accordance with MIL-C-53072.
5-18. Trailer Marking. (See figure 5-14.) The power unit four-digit registration number, preceded by the
prefix "VB", is marked in two places on the power unit trailer. On the fender over each wheel, TP 50-70 PSI is
marked in 1 00 ± 12 Inch high characters "TP 65 PSI" is marked over each forward stabilizing wheel on the fuel
tank curbside, "FUEL FILL" and "FUEL DRAIN" are marked in 50 ± 12 Inch high characters. The work "LIFT" is
marked in 50 ± 12 inch high characters at each of four corner lifting rings. The word "LOCKED" and an arrow
pointing to ground is marked in two places on the trailer frame at the handbrakes. Figure 5-14 shows the
location of trailer markings.
Figure 5-14. Trailer Marking.