ARMY TM 9-6115-643-24
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-22
2.100.4. Installation.
a. Install cranking relay (17, FIGURE 2-29) with screws (16) and nuts (15).
b. Connect electrical leads and remove tags.
c. Close output box and right side engine access doors.
d. Connect negative battery cable. Close battery access door.
2.101.1. Removal.
a. Shut down generator set.
b. Open battery access door and disconnect negative battery cable.
c. Open load terminal board access door and disconnect load output cables L1, L2, L3, and L0 from load output termin-
nal board.
d. Remove generator set housing rear panel, paragraph 2.18.1.
e. Remove bolt (1, FIGURE 2-30), nut (2), flatwasher (3), and Iockwasher (4) securing ground strap (15) to skid base.
f. Remove bolts (5), Iockwashers (6), and washers (7) securing terminal board assembly(12) to supports.
g. Remove nuts (8) and washers (9), tag and disconnect all main power leads (10) and varistor leads (11) from load
terminals (23).
h. Remove terminal board assembly (12) from generator set.
i. Remove load output terminals, paragraph 2.102.1.
j. Remove EMI filter (24) positioned between L0 and GND terminals (23).
k. Remove varistor leads (11) from varistors (27).
l. Remove varistors, paragraph 2.103.1.
m. Remove EMI filters (28) positioned between load terminals (23) and varistors (27).
n. Remove nuts (13), washers (14), ground strap (15), studs (1 6), bus bars (17) and (22), and ground plane bar (29)
from terminal board (12).
o. Remove nuts (18) and washers (19) from studs (16).
p. Remove bolts (30), nuts (31), and load output terminal board supports (32) and (33) from generator set.
q. Remove nuts (34), bolts (35), cord (36), wrench (37), and bracket (38) from support (33).
2.101.2. lnspection.
a. Shut down generator set.
b. Open load terminal board access door.
c. Inspect load output terminal board for cracks, corrosion, and obvious damage.
d. Inspect threaded components for stripped threads.
e. Inspect varistor electrical leads for damaged insulation and loose terminals.
f. Replace damaged and defective parts.
g. Close load terminal board access door.