ARMY TM 9-6115-643-24
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-22
Dry cleaning solvent is flammable and toxic to eyes, skin, and respirato-
ry tract. Skin/eye protection required. Avoid repeated/prolonged con-
tact. Good general ventilation is normally adequate.
Use low pressure air, 15 psi maximum. Wear protective glasses when
using compressed air. Failure to follow this warning could result in se-
vere personal injury.
c. Clean low oil pressure switch with dry, filtered compressed air and wipe with a cleaning cloth (Item 7, Appendix C)
lightly moistened with dry cleaning solvent (Item 18, Appendix C).
d. Inspect low oil pressure switch for cracked casing, stripped or damaged threads, corrosion, or other damage.
e. If no repair is needed, install low oil pressure switch, paragraph 2.104.4.
2.104.4. Installation.
a. Install low oil pressure switch (1, FIGURE 2-31) into oil sample valve assembly.
b. Connect electrical leads, remove tags and close right side engine access door.
c. Connect negative battery cable and close battery access door.
2.105.1. Testing.
a. Shut down generator set.
b. Open battery access door and disconnect negative battery cable.
c. Open right side engine access door.
d. Disconnect electrical lead to oil pressure sender (2, FIGURE 2-31).
e. Set multimeter for ohms and connect between sender terminal and casing.
f. Multimeter indication shall be between 216 and 264 ohms.
g. Connect negative battery cable.
h. Start generator set.
i. As engine is cranking and accelerates to rated speed, observe muitimeter. Indication shall decrease to between
100 and 33 ohms.
j. Shut down generator set and disconnect negative battery cable.
k. Replace oil pressure sender if indications are not as above.
l. If replacement is not needed, connect electrical lead to oil pressure sender.
m. Close right side engine access door.