ARMY TM 9-6115-643-24
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-22
2.92.4. Installation.
a. Install fuel float module (51, FIGURE 2-27) in generator set with bolts (49) and nuts (50).
b. Connect electrical connectors, remove tags, and dose left side engine access door.
c. Connect negative battery cable and dose battery access door.
2.93.1. Inspection.
a. Shutdown generator set.
b. Open right side engine access door.
c. Inspect fuel filter/water separator, fuel lines, and fittings for loose connections, damage, and evidence of fuel leaks.
d. Close right side engine access door.
2.93.2. Service.
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Shut down generator set.
Open battery access door and disconnect negative battery cable.
Open water drain valve (1, FIGURE 2-28) and drain all water from fuel filter/water separator.
Loosen damp (3) and disconnect drain tine (4).
Diesel fuel is flammable and toxic to eyes, skin, and respiratory tract.
Skin/eye protection required. Avoid repeated/prolonged contact. Good
general ventilation is normally adequate.
Catch fuel in suitable container.
Remove fuel filter/water separator element (2).
Wipe fuel filter/water separator head (11) with cleaning cloth (item 7, Appendix C).
Check petcock valve operation for being only hand tight on fuel filter/water seperator element (2) and apply a film
of engine oil (item 11, appendix C) to the sealing surface of the fuel filter/water seperator (2).
Fill new fuel filter/water separator element (2) with dean diesel fuel.
Install fuel filter/water separator element (2), hand tight. Do not overtighten.
Connect drain tine (4) and install damp (3).
Connect negative battery cable.
Bleed air from fuel system, refer to TM 9-2815-254-24.
m. Start engine and check for fuel leak.
n. Close all access doors.
2.93.3. Removal.
a Shutdown generator set.
b. Open battery access door and disconnect negative battery cable.
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