TM 55-6115-498-40
to remove all traces of rosin and other foreign
(4) Insert the end bell or stator housing in
a lathe, and rotate it at a speed of approximately
f. Sleeving Replacement. If it is necessary to
60 rpm.
replace sleeving on capacitor leads, use vinyl-flex
should have a black color, an inside diameter of
The area to be metallized must be abso-
between 0.040 inch and 0.049 inch, and a length
lutely clean.
of 1 3/4 inches.
make several rapid passes over the work with
the flame only, immediately before applying the
The only lubrication required for the dc gen-
Should the bore be so impregnated with grease
erator is after assembly, coat the drive shaft
as to prevent metallizing, replace the end bell
spline with a light film of spline lubricant (item
or stator housing.
(6) Make several passes over the bearing
use high-temperature lubricating grease (item
bore to deposit a thin coat of molybdenum.
(7) Complete the metallizing with molyb-
denum or 0.80 percent carbon steel wire to a
Use of sealing compounds is specified through-
thickness of 0.006 inch on top of the finished
out the reassembly paragraphs.
diameter (finished diameter minus 0.012 inch).
(8) Rough bore the surface to 0.010 inch
under the finished diameter. Finish the surface
Reassembly is basically the reverse of disassem-
by grinding to an inside diameter of 2.0472,
plus 0.0003, minus 0.0000 inches. The concen-
tricity between the inside diameter of the bearing
7) and the detailed procedures as described in
bore and both the outermost (4.122-inch) di-
ameter of the stator housing, and the largest
inside (6.125-inch) diameter of the end bell
must be within 0.002 inch, full indicator reading.
(9) Remove masking shellac and grinding
residue with denatured alcohol (item 8, table
e. Soldering.
placed, use a rosin core solder composed of 100
percent tin (item 9, table 2-3) to solder the ter-
minals to the capacitor leads. This solder has a
melting point of 232 C (450 F).
D o not use an acid solder or an acid
flux, Do not burn insulation when sol-
silver brazing alloy (item 10, table 2-3) com-
posed of 15 percent silver, 80 percent copper,
and 5 percent phosphorous. This solder has a
m e l t i n g range between 650 C and 705 C
(1200 F and 1300 F).
cordance with Specification MIL-S-6872B. All
silver brazing must be done in accordance with
Specification MIL-B-7883B.
(1) If any terminals were removed or re-
(4) After soldering or brazing, clean all
placed, braze terminals to leads as specified in