TM 5-6115-629-14&P
c. Wiring Test. (Refer to wiring diagrams, Figure 4-14 and 4-15.) The internal switch box wiring
is tested by performing a continuity check(s) on suspect wires or connections.
To avoid risk of injury or death by electrocution, do not remove switch box
access cover while either power unit is still connected to switch box.
All internal switch box wiring is labeled for identification with reference
designations of its points of connection. If labeling has been removed, or is
illegible, tag wires for identification before removing them.
Remove 14 screws, 14 Iockwashers, and 14 flat washers securing access cover to switch
box and remove cover.
Before testing wires, make sure there are no loose connections or broken terminals.
Tighten any loose connections and refer broken terminals to higher level of maintenance,
Set multimeter controls to prepare unit for continuity testing.
Refer to applicable wiring diagram in Figure 4-14 or 4-15, and test continuity of suspect
wires between origin and destination specified in diagram.
Switch Box Repair. The power plant switch box assembly is repaired by replacing defective
components. Components authorized for replacement at unit level of maintenance include connector
cable assemblies, load terminals, and individual wires.
All internal switch box wiring is labeled for identification with reference
designations of its points of connection. If labeling has been removed, or is
illegible, tag wires for identification before removing them.
a. Connector Replacernent. (See figure 4-16.) A damaged or defective connector is replaced by
replacing the entire connector cable assembly,
To avoid risk of injury or death by electrocution, do not remove switch box
access cover while either power unit is still connected to switch box.
(1) Removal.
Remove 14 screws (1, figure 4-16), 14 Iockwashers (2), and 14 flat washers (3)
securing access cover (4) to switch box (5) and remove cover.
Disconnect connector cable assembly wire (6) from insulator TB2 (7) by removing nut
(8), Iockwasher (9), flat washer (10), two electrical leads (11), ground wire (12)
and, if necessary, flat washer (13) from terminal stud numer one (14).
Disconnect each of three connector cable assembly wires (15) from terminals of asso-
ciated switch (16) by removing one nut (17) and one Iockwasher (18).