(d) In
TM 5-6115-629-14&P
five-wire switch boxes, disconnect connector cable assembly ground wire (19) from
load terminal L0 (20) on insulator TB1 (21) by removing nut (22), Iockwasher (23) and
flat washer (24).
(e) Remove four screws (25) and four nuts (26) securing connector flange (27) to switch
box (5). Carefully remove connector and associated wiring from switch box.
(2) Installation.
Feed connector cable assembly wires through mounting hole in switch box (5).
Position connector body in mounting hole and secure with four screws (25) and four nuts
(26). Use screw in lower right-hand corner of flange (27) to secure connector cap
retaining chain (28).
When reconnecting wires, refer to figure 4-14 or 4-15, as applicable.
Connect each of three connector cable assembly wires (15) to terminals of associated
switch (16) with one nut (17) and one Iockwasher (18).
Connect cable assembly wire (6) to terminal stud number one (14) of insulator TB2 with
nut (8), Iockwasher (9), flat washer (10) and, if necessary, flat washer (13). Make
sure electrical leads (11) and ground wire (12) are reinstalled and positioned as shown
in figure 4-16.
In five-wire switch boxes, connect cable assembly ground wire (19) to load terminal L0
(20) with flat washer (24), Iockwasher (23) and nut (22).
Position access cover (4) on switch box (5) and secure with 14 screws (1), 14 lock-
washers (2), and 14 flat washers. (3).
b. Load Terminal Replacement. (See figure 4-17.) The switch box load terminals provide elec-
tromechanical connection points between the system or equipment being powered and the power
plant. In addition to the four output terminals, the 5-wire switch box utilizes a fifth load terminal as AC
To avoid risk of injury or death by electrocution, do not remove switch box
access cover while either power unit is still connected to switch box.
(1) Removal.
(a) Remove 14 screws (1, figure 4-17), 14 Iockwashers (2), and 14 flat washers (3)
securing access cover (4) to switch box (5) and remove cover.
(b) Remove one nut (6) one Iockwasher (7), one flat washer (8), and remove associated
wires (9) from load terminal (10).
(12), and one flat washer (13) and remove load
(c) Remove one nut (11), one Iockwasher
terminal (10) from terminal board (14).