TM 5-6115-629-14&P
Observe that the switch terminals are arranged in two rows of three terminals
each. Each terminal is paired with the one directly above or below it. There is
one pair of terminals for each pole of the switch.
(4) Select any pair of terminals associated with same pole of switch. Touch one multimeter test
probe to each terminal. Multimeter must indicate continuity.
(5) Repeat step (4) on both remaining poles of switch.
(6) If multimeter does not indicate continuity across all three poles of switch, switch is
defective. Refer switch to higher level of maintenance.
b. Connector Testing. The switch box has four male cable connectors. The larger connectors, J1
and J2, are the power input connectors. Together with their associated wiring, they comprise the
switch box cable assemblies. This procedure tests the entire cable assembly. The connectors will
have either four or eight pins depending upon whether the power plant is equipped with a 4-wire or 5-
wire switch box. The procedure is as follows:
To avoid risk of injury or death by electrocution, do not remove switch box
access cover while either power unit is still connected to switch box.
Observe that pins on power input connectors are labeled A, B, C, and N. On
5-wire switch boxes, the four additional pins are labeled G1, G2, G3, and G4.
Remove 14 screws, 14 Iockwashers, and 14 flat washers securing access cover to switch
box and remove cover.
Set multimeter controls to prepare unit for continuity testing.
Touch one multimeter test probe to pin A in connector being tested and touch remaining
probe to terminal A1 on associated switch. Multimeter must indicate continuity. If it does
not, there is an open in connector or associated wire.
With first probe still in contact with pin A, touch remaining probe to all other pins in
connector. Multimeter must not indicate continuity. If it does, connector is shorted.
Repeat steps (3) and (4) for pins B, C, and N. Multimeter must indicate continuity only
between these pins and switch terminals B1, C1, and TB1 L0 terminal, respectively.
Step (6) is applicable only to 5-wire switch box.
Touch one multimeter test probe to terminal 1 on TB2. Touch remaining probe to pins G1,
G2, G3, and G4, in turn. Multimeter must indicate continuity on each pin.
If continuity test detects any opens or shorts, connector cable assembly is defective.