TB 11-6115-741-24
2.0 Technical Inspection.
The Generator Set shall be inspected
for damaged, inoperative, broken,
deteriorated, missing, or corroded parts and components that adversely affect generator set performance
using the checklist in Appendix C to perform the technical inspection. Damaged, missing, or otherwise
unserviceable components will be annotated on a DA 2404 (provided at Appendix H).
2.1 Functional inspection.
The functional performance of the generator
set shall be
assessed using the
following procedure and the checklist in Appendix D. The functional inspection shall be performed after
the Technical Inspection. The generator set must start, operate, and produce AC/DC power to perform a
full functional inspection. If the engine will not start or the generator will not produce power, the
generator set must be nominally repaired prior to the start of the functional inspection.
2.1.1 Functional Inspection Operational Procedure.
a) Check and add coolant and oil as required. Verify that the nominal repairs identified during
the TI have been completed so that a FI can be performed.
b) Test dead crank switch by cranking engine. If the fuel tank is empty, attempt to start
generator set. Verify Low fuel failure occurs. If the fuel tank has sufficient fuel to operate
the generator set, remove the low fuel shutoff switch wire and verify that low fuel failure
occurs. (low fuel shutoff system can be checked later in the repair process if desired.)
c) Turn master switch (S1) to on. Observe engine and fuel gauges for movement.
d) Start the generator set and observe operation. Allow generator set to warm up. On the
Mil Std sets, verify proper operation of the shutter assembly, shutters open evenly and at
correct temperature IAW applicable TM.
Observe coolant temperature, oil pressure, fuel level, battery charging amps, and output
Listen to engine for abnormal sounds, knocks or other signs of wear.
Observe exhaust for signs of abnormal smoke.
e) Close contactor. Observe movement of contactor switch.
f) Apply load till 100 percent generator set load is reached.
Observe and record coolant temperature, oil pressure, output voltage, amperage, percent
KW, and other output readings.
Listen to engine for abnormal sounds, knocks, misfiring cylinders, or other signs of wear.
Inspect generator set for oil, coolant and fuel leaks.
Observe engine exhaust for abnormal smoke or carbon.