TM 9-6115-730-24
1. Refer to WP 0013, SYMPTOM 13 to copy the configuration data from the old ECM.
2. Ensure generator set is fully stopped, ENGINE CONTROL switch is OFF/RESET, Battery Disconnect Switch is
OFF, and DEAD CRANK SWITCH is OFF before proceeding.
3. Open left front door and left rear doors.
Cut tiedown straps as required.
4. Tag and disconnect engine harness connector J2/ENG-P2 (Figure 1, Item 1) and vehicle harness connector
J1/ENG-P1 (Figure 1, Item 2) from engine control module (Figure 1, Item 3).
5. Remove two nuts (Figure 1, Item 4), two washers (Figure 1, Item 5), plate (Figure 1, Item 6), three stud bolts
(Figure 1, Item 7), three washers (Figure 1, Item 8), three washers (Figure 1, Item 9), three mounts (Figure 1,
Item 10), and three spacers (Figure 1, Item 11).
6. Remove bolt (Figure 1, Item 12), washer (Figure 1, Item 13), clip (Figure 1, Item 14), washer (Figure 1, Item 9),
mount (Figure 1, Item 10), spacer (Figure 1, Item 11), and engine control module (Figure 1, Item 3).
7. Remove nut (Figure 1, Item 15), washer (Figure 1, Item 16), strap (Figure 1, Item 17), and clip (Figure 1,
Item 18).
1. Install clip (Figure 1, Item 18), strap (Figure 1, Item 17), washer (Figure 1, Item 16), and nut (Figure 1,
Item 15) on plate (Figure 1, Item 6).
2. Install engine control module (Figure 1, Item 3), spacer (Figure 1, Item 11), mount (Figure 1, Item 10), washer
(Figure 1, Item 9), clip (Figure 1, Item 14), washer (Figure 1, Item 13), and bolt (Figure 1, Item 12).
3. Install three spacers (Figure 1, Item 11), three mounts (Figure 1, Item 10), three washers (Figure 1, Item 9),
three washers (Figure 1, Item 8), three studbolts (Figure 1, Item 7), plate (Figure 1, Item 6), two washers
(Figure 1, Item 5), and two nuts (Figure 1, Item 4).
4. Install vehicle harness connector J1/ENG-P1 (Figure 1, Item 2) and engine harness connector J2/ENG-P2
(Figure 1, Item 1). Torque allen head screws on J1/ENG-P1 and J2/ENG-P2 ECM connectors to 55 +13.0 -
4.0 lb. in. (6.0 +1.5 -0.5 Nm)
5. Close left rear doors and left front door.
6. Refer to WP 0013, SYMPTOM 9 to flash program the flash file into the ECM.
7. Refer to WP 0013, SYMPTOM 13 to copy the configuration data into the ECM.
8. Refer to WP 0013, SYMPTOM 8 to calibrate the engine timing sensors.
9. Refer to WP 0013 SYMPTOM 12 to load the injector codes.