ARMY TM 9-6115-671-14
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-446-32
MARINE CORPS TM 09249A/09246A-14
(11) Connect wires to terminals X1 and A2 of cranking relay (20). Remove tags.
(12) Close output box access door.
(13) Connect negative battery cable to battery, and close BATTERY ACCESS door.
c. Replacement.
Shut down generator set, paragraph 2.11.2.
Open BATTERY ACCESS door (Figure 1-2), and disconnect negative battery cable.
Open output box and right side engine compartment access doors (Figure 1-2).
Tag and disconnect electrical leads from cranking relay (20, Figure 4-28).
Remove locknuts (18), screws (19), and cranking relay (20) from output box.
Install cranking relay (20), screws (19), and locknuts (18) on output box.
Connect electrical leads to cranking relay (20). Remove tags.
Close output box and right side engine compartment access doors.
Connect negative battery cable to battery, and close BATTERY ACCESS door.
4.12.8 Load Output Terminal Board TB2.
a. Removal.
Shut down generator set, paragraph 2.11.2.
Open BATTERY ACCESS door (Figure 1-2), and disconnect negative battery cable.
Open load terminal board access door (Figure 1-2), and disconnect load output cables L1, L2, L3,
and N from load output terminal board.
Remove rear housing panel. Refer to paragraph 4.7.5.
Remove locknut (1, Figure 4-29), bolt (2), and lockwashers (3) securing ground strap (20) to skid
Remove bolts (4), lockwashers (5), and washers (6) securing load output terminal board (11) to
supports (34 and 35).
Remove locknuts (7), brass washers (8), electrical leads (9), and varistor leads (10) from load
terminals (14). Tag leads.
Remove terminal load board (11) from generator set.
Remove jamnuts (12), brass washers (13), and load terminals (14) from load output terminal board