ARMY TM 6-6115-644-24
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-446-12
MARINE CORPS TM 09249A/09246A-24/2
TABLE 4-1. Voltage Adjustment Range (MEP-805A)
Voltage Reconnection Terminal Board Position
Adjustment Range
197-240 volts
240/41 6
395480 volts
If steps h, j, and I are as indicated above, AC voltage regulator is defective and must be replaced.
To replace Voltage Regulator, See paragraph 4-1-4 and 4-1-5.
o. Connect all wires previously disconnected.
p. Close output box access door.
4-1-2 Testing. (Regulator, R/N: 19880-001 For MEF-805A Generator Set.
Shut down generator set.
Open output box access door.
Note position of voltage reconnection terminal board and set FREQUENCY SELECT switch to 60 Hz position.
Start generator set and turn VOLTAGE adjust potentiometer to ensure the adjustment ranges on TABLE 4-1
are met, depending on position of voltage reconnection terminal board.
Shut down generator set.
If no voltage or low voltage was indicated, or voltage adjustment range could not be achieved, perform the follow-
ing steps. Otherwise, AC voltage regulator (2, FIGURE 4-3) is serviceable.
Disconnect wire 141A from terminal 1 of AC voltage regulator.
Set multimeter for DC volts and connect positive lead to wire 141A. Connect negative lead of multimeter to termi-
nal 3 of AC voltage regulator. Start generator set and operate at rated frequency. Move and hold MASTER
SWITCH in START position. Multimeter should indicate between 4 and 12 VDC.
Shut down generator set. Isolate wire 141A.
Set multimeter for AC volts and connect to terminals 10 and 11 of AC voltage regulator. Start generator set and
operate at rated frequency. Move and hold MASTER SWITCH in START position. Muitimeter should indicate
110 to160 VAC.
Shut down generator set.
Disconnect wire 137A from terminal 5 of AC voltage regulator. Set multimeter for ohms and connect positive lead
to wire 137A and negative lead to terminal 4 of AC voltage regulator. Move VOLTAGE adjust potentiometer to
full counterclockwise position. Multimeter should indicate no more than 2 ohms with FREQUENCY SELECT
switch in 60 Hz position or 50 Hz position. Move VOLTAGE adjust potentiometer clockwise slowly while observ-
ing muitimeter. Multimeter should increase smoothly to approximately 20,000 ohms.
If steps h, j, and I are as indicated above, AC voltage regulator is defective and must be replaced.