ARMY TM 9-6115-641-24
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-456-12
1-13-10 Auxiliary Fuel Pump (10). The auxiliary fuel pump is located behind the front housing panel on the left side.
The pump is electrically operated and transfers fuel from an auxiliary fuel source to the fuel tank.
1-1-10.1. Auxiliary Fuel Filter (10A). The auxiliary fuel filter is located behind the front housing panel on the left side.
The filter removes impurities from the diesel fuel when using the auxiliary fuel supply.
1-13-11. Radiator (11). The radiator is located at the front of the generator set. It acts as a heat exchanger for the engine
1-13-12. Fuel Tank (12) . The 5 gallon (18.9 liters) fuel tank is located in the front of the generator set below the engine
and between the skid base side members. The fuel tank is a fuel reservoir and has sufficient capacity to enable the genera-
tor set to operate for at least 8 hours without refueling.
1-13-13. Air Cleaner Assembly (13). The air cleaner assembly is located on the right side behind the engine. It consists
of a dry-type, disposable air filter element made of paper and a canister. The air cleaner assembly features a dust collector
which traps large dust particles. The air cleaner assembly has a restriction indicator (visible by opening left engine access
door) which will indicate red when the air filter element requires servicing.
1-13-14. Muffler (14). The muffler and exhaust tubing are connected to the exhaust manifold on the engine. The exhaust
exits from the top of the generator set housing. Gases are exhausted upward.
1-13-15. Fan Belt (15). The fan belt is located in the engine compartment on the front of the engine. The belt drives the
fan, water pump, and the battery charging alternator.
1-13-16. Battery Charging Alternator (16). The battery charging alternator is located on the right side of the engine. It
is capable of maintaining the batteries in a state of full charge in addition to providing the required 24 VDC control power.
1-13-17. Start er (17). The starter is located on the right side of the engine. The electric starter mechanically engages
the engine flywheel in order to start the diesel engine.
The NATO SLAVE RECEPTACLE is located on the right side (rear) of the
generator set. It is used for slave starting.
1-13-19. Skid Base (19). The skid base supports the generator set. It has fork lift access openings and cross members
for short distance movement and lifting rings located at each corner of the skid base. The skid base has provisions in the
bottom for installation of the generator set on a trailer.
1-13-20. Load Output Terminal Board (20). The load output terminal board is located on the bottom left side (rear) of
the generator set. Four output terminals are located on the board. They are marked L1, L2, L3, and L0. A fifth terminal,
marked GND, is located next to the output terminals and serves as equipment ground for the generator set. A removable,
solid copper bar is connected between the L0 and GND terminals.
1-13-21. Load Output Terminal Board (21).
The generator set control panel assembly is located at the rear of the generator
set and contains controls and instruments for operating the engine and the generator.
1-13-22. FREQUENCY ADJUST Control (22).
The FREQUENCY ADJUST control is located at the rear left side of gen-
erator set. It is used to adjust the generator frequency output.
1-13-23. Malfunction Indicator Panel (23). The malfunction indicator panel is located to the left of the control panel as-
sembly. It indicates malfunctions of the generator set components.
1-13-24. CONVENIENCE RECEPTACLE (24). The CONVENIENCE RECEPTACLE is a 120 VAC receptacle used to
operate small plug in type equipment.
1-13-25. Diagnostic Connector (25). The diagnostic connector is a multi-pin plug that is wired to specific points in the
generator set electrical system to enable monitoring and troubleshooting of the generator set operation at a single location.
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