TM 55-6115-491-40
support; remove the brush box assembly.
x. To disassemble the brush holders (38 and
washers (2), and flat washers (3) that connect the
45) and the insulation separator, remove the screws
capacitor leads to the exciter terminal board (8);
(39), nuts (40), washers (41), insulation ring (42), and
disconnect the leads.
Remove the three nuts (5), lock washers
insulation sleeve (43).
y. Using vise pliers, remove the pin (75, figure
(6), and flat washers (7) that secure the capacitor (4) to
3-1) from the stator housing (74).
the bearing support (46); remove the capacitor.
s. Remove the bolts (11), nuts (9), and flat
After disassembly, clean parts as indicated in
washers (10 and 12) that secure the exciter terminal
board (8) to the bearing support (46); remove the
insulator bushing (13), terminal sleeve (14), gasket (15),
Clean all metal parts with ammonium oleate
and standoff insulator (16) after removing the terminal
fugitive detergent. Prepare as follows:
3-12. To one gallon of water, add one teaspoon
Remove the nuts (22), lock washers (23),
ammonium hydroxide followed by two tablespoons oleic
and flat washers (24) that secure the electrical leads (17,
acid. For best results, heat to 1400F (600C).
18, and 19) and wire jumper (20) to the brush holders;
3-13. The parts to be cleaned must not remain in
disconnect the leads and jumper.
solution any longer than is necessary to loosen particles
u. If any of the studs (69 or 70) are damaged,
of dirt. Dry with a clean, lintfree cloth (item 1, table 2-3)
remove them.
immediately upon removal from solution. After cleaning,
v. Remove the bolt (26), lock washer (27),
dry parts with clean, dehumidified compressed air. Bake
plate (28), insulation (29 and 31), and bushing insulator
rotor and stator for approximately two hours at 250 F
(30) that secure the brush holder to the bearing support;
(1210C). All ball bearings will be replaced with new
remove the brush holder.
bearings at time of overhaul to ensure safe operation
w. Remove the bolt (32), lock washer (33),
between overhaul periods.
plate (34), insulation (35 and 37), and bushing insulator
(36) that secure the brush box assembly to the bearing
Do not use carbon tetrachloride or other solvents as a cleaning agent for any
generator parts. The vapor from these solvents can seriously affect commutation and
brush wear. The silicon varnish used on the insulation is soluble in these solvents.
After cleaning, inspect parts as indicated in table 3-2.