TM 55-6115-491-40
Do not disassemble the generator farther than is necessary to determine if the parts are
serviceable for continued use.
The generator should be placed on a suitable
brush support assembly (66); remove the brushes.
g. Use a pair of snap ring pliers to remove the
holding fixture to protect the drive shaft during
retaining ring (13) from the end of the splined shaft (19).
disassembly. Disassemble the generator as follows:
a. Remove identification data plate (1, figure
Pull the drive adapter (12) and washer (14) from the
shaft. If damaged, remove the retaining ring (15) from
3-1) and maintenance name plate (3) by
the splined shaft.
screws (2 and 4) only if replacement is necessary.
h. Remove the four nuts (24), lock washers
b. Remove the five screws (6), lock washers
(25), and flat washers (26) and disconnect the terminals
(7), and flat washers (8) that secure the electrical contact
(27) of the electrical leads to the studs on the terminal
cover (5) to the generator; remove the cover.
c. Remove the nuts (9), lock washers (10),
board (29). Remove the assembled terminal board and
ring spacer (33).
and flat washers (11) that secure the electrical leads to
Remove the two screws (30) and flat
the studs (69) on the terminal board (71); disconnect the
washers (31) that secure the terminal board (29) to the
leads. If the terminal board (71) is damaged, remove
spacer ring (33); remove the terminal board. Remove
screws (72) and flat washers (73) that secure it to the
the grommet (32) if it is damaged.
stator housing.
d. Remove the five cap screws (17) and flat
Remove the four machine bolts (49), lock
washers (50), and flat washers (51) that secure the end
washers (18) that secure the electrical generator cover
bell (48) to the generator; remove the end bell, stator
(16) to the generator; remove the electrical generator
(52), and end bell mounting (53). Pull the permanent
e. Hold the splined end of the splined shaft
magnet rotor (54) from the end of the shaft of the rotor
assembly (60).
(19) with a wrench. Loosen the outside nut of the two-
k. The lead assembly (34) consists of three
piece locknut (20) and remove the locknut from the end
interconnected diodes. Remove the three nuts (35), lock
of the splined shaft (19). Pull the shaft and insulation
washers (36), flat washers (37), mica washers (38), and
sleeving (19A) out of the front of the generator.
plastic washers (39) that secure the lead assembly
Remove the machine screws (22), and lock
diodes to the end bell (48); remove the lead assembly
washers (23) that secure the eight brushes (21) to the
(34) and lead assembly (41).
Do not disconnect any of the diodes (40 or 42) from the wire assembly or from the
leads of the stator (42) unless inspection indicates the need for replacement. Diodes
are heat sensitive and should not be subjected to any unnecessary soldering.
Remove the three nuts, (43), lock washers
force both hands together in order to separate flange
(55) from stator housing and slide flange free of bearing.
(44), flat washers (45), mica washers (46), and plastic
Remove the retaining ring (58) and pull the ball bearing
washers (47) that secure the three diodes to the end bell
(57) from the rotor assembly. Remove the baffle disk
(48); disconnect the diodes from the end bell.
m. Remove the four screws (56) that secure
o. Remove the four screws (62) and lock
the machine flange (55) to the stator housing. Tap on
washers (63) that secure the bearing retainer (61) to the
the end of the shaft of the rotor (60) with a soft hammer
brush support assembly-(66). Use a soft drift positioned
to remove the assembled machine flange and rotor from
against the outer race of the ball bearing (65) to drive the
the stator assembly.
n. Insert two large screwdrivers into openings
ball bearing from the seat in the brush support assembly
between flange (55) and rotor assembly (60), positioned
p. Remove the eight nuts (67}) and flat
about 110 degrees apart. With jerking movements,
washers (68) that secure the brush support assembly
(66) to the stator assembly.