2-48. Valve Lifter Adjustment
(2) Use a wrench and thread the valve lifter
adjusting screw in or out of the valve lifter to obtain
a. Remove the valve lifter cover.
the correct dimensional clearances.
b. Using a feeler gage, measure the clearance
(3) Measure the adjusted clearance with a feeler
between the valve lifter adjusting screw and rotor
gage. Then turn the engine over several times with
cap. In event clearance is not 0.016 inch for the
the starter and remeasure the valve clearance.
exhaust valves and 0.008 inch for the inlet valves
Readjust if necessary.
when the engine is cold, proceed as follows:
c. Replace the valve lifter cover.
(1) Hold the valve lifter in place by securing it
with a wrench on the flats.
(1) Install lubricated wheel bearing (8) into hub
assembly (7) and install grease seal (9).
The generator set is mounted on two wheels, secured
(2) Install hub and wheel assembly onto the axle
to the axle by the wheel hub, wheel bearings and a
slotted hex nut. The pneumatic tire is mounted to
(3) Install front wheel bearing (6) and secure
the wheel. The tow bar assembly is mounted to the
wheel assembly to axle with slotted hex nut (5).
front of the generator set and is used for towing the
(4) Install new cotter pin (4) and install the
unit short distances. The clevis pin is used for
wheel grease cap (3).
stowing the tow bar in the raised position. The kick
stand is used during operation to keep generator set
in a level position.
may be removed without removing
The wheel
2-50. Wheel Assembly
hub assembly by removing the four hex bolts (1,
fig. 2-23 )
securing wheel and tire to
hub assembly.
a. Removal.
2-51. Tow Bar Assembly
(1) Install a suitable lifting device.
(2) Remove the grease cap (3, fig. 2-23).
(3) Remove cotter pin (4) and remove hex nut
remove the tow bar washer (13) and pin (14), and
(5) securing wheel assembly to axle.
remove tow bar (15) from frame assembly.
b. Inspection. Inspect the tow bar assembly (15)
When removing wheel assembly from axle be
for cracks and breaks.
careful not to drop outer bearing (6).
c. Installation.
(4) Remove the wheel (2) and wheel hub (7). as
(1) Align tow bar assembly (15) holes with
an assembly, from the axle.
clevis bar holes on frame assembly.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(2) Install tow bar pins (14), washers (13) and
(1) Clean the bearings (6 and 8) in an approved
install cotter pin (12).
cleaning solvent (Fed P-D-680).
(2) Inspect the bearing and bearing cones for
a. Removal.
pitting and wear.
(3) Inspect the tire (10) and wheel (2) for
stand base plate assembly (17).
damage. Refer to TM 9-1870-1 for care and main-
(2) Remove nut (18), spring (19) and remove
tenance of pneumatic tires.
kick stand (20) from base plate assembly.
(4) Inspect the hub assembly (7) for cracks or
b. Inspection.
(1) Inspect the kick stand (20) for bends or
(5) Replace a defective part.
c. Installation.
(2) Inspect spring (19) for cracks.
c. Installation. Reassemble and install in the
Before reassembly, repack the wheel bearings with
reverse procedure of removal.
lubricant in accordance with current lubrication