lead must be a No. 6 AWG (American Wire Gage)
2-1. Inspecting and
Servicing Equipment
copper wire and be bolted or clamped to the rod,
a. Remove the canvas cover from generator set
plate, or piping system. Connect the other end of the
b. Prepare the generator set for inspection and
ground cable to the generator ground terminal stud.
o p e r a t i o n as outlined on DA Form 2258 (De-
preservation Guide for Vehicles and Equipment),
Do not operate the generator set in an en-
attached on or near the operational controls.
closed area unless exhaust gases are piped to
c. Inspect the generator set for damage and
the outside. Inhalation of exhaust fumes will
missing parts and accessories.
result in serious illness or death.
d. Insert starting hand crank over the crankshaft
c. Indoor Installation. If the generator set is to be
and turn the engine over (one or two revolutions) to
operated indoors, use 2-inches ID (inside diameter)
check for free rotation of the engine. Listen for any
flexible exhaust tubing to vent the exhaust fumes
unusual noises which may be caused by damaged
out of the building. Keep the tubing as short and
engine components.
straight as possible. Make sure all exhaust con-
e. Install and fill battery with battery acid to
nections are tight and that the room is well ven-
inch above plates.
tilated. Provide adequate air ventilation around the
generator set to prevent overheating. Observe the
a. Location. The generator set is designed to be
additional requirements of a above.
operated in its normal condition; that is, supported
d. Using Auxiliary Fuel Tank.
by the wheel and tire assemblies and the kick stand
( i n downward position). Provide shelter during
The generator set is provided with a three-position
inclement weather. Position the generator set to
fuel tank selector valve. When the valve handle is
allow adequate air circulation and make sure that
positioned down (OFF), no fuel is supplied to the
the exhaust fumes are directed away from the
system. When the valve handle is positioned to the
operator (in windy weather, position the front or
right (SET TANK), the integral fuel tank is
connected. When the valve handle is positioned up
m u f f l e r end of the equipment in a downwind
(AUXILIARY), an auxiliary fuel tank can be
connected for longer duration operation.
b . Grounding. T h e g e n e r a t o r s e t m u s t b e
grounded prior to operation. The ground can be in
(1) Using a
inch wrench, loosen and remove
order of preference, an under-ground metallic water
the cap fitting on the left side of the valve. Replace
piping system, a driven metal rod or a buried metal
cap when use of the auxiliary fuel tank is completed.
plate. A ground rod must have a minimum diameter
(2) Connect the auxiliary fuel line to the -20
inch if solid or inch if pipe, and must be
threaded male connection on the valve fitting.
driven to a minimum depth of 8 feet. A ground plate
( 3 ) Set fuel tank selector valve handle to
must have a minimum area of 9 square feet and be
buried at a minimum depth of 4 feet. The ground
the fuel tank selector valve handle down, and make
2-3. Dismantling for
Movement and
sure the fuel tank cap is securely tightened.
After Movement
(2) If the generator set is to be transported by
a. Dismantle.
rail, or for long distances, drain the fuel tank before
(1) If the generator set is to be towed by truck
shipment. Proceed as follows in draining the fuel
for short distances, it is permissible to move the
e q u i p m e n t while f u e l r e m a i n s i n t h e t a n k .
(a) Remove the cap and chain assembly on
Disconnect the auxiliary fuel line (if used), position
bottom of fuel tank.