TM 11-6625-680-14-2
Corrective measures
Probable trouble
a. D e f e c t i v e D . C . A M M E T E R
a. Replace switch S107.
4. Indication on D. C. AMPS meter
RANGE selector S107.
M101 differs from current present
b. Defective meter M101.
b. Replace meter M101.
at output.
a. Blown 0.15-ampere fuse.
a. Replace F101 fuse.
5. No indication on D. C. VOLTS
b. Power supply not connected to the
b. C h e c k t h e c o n n e c t i o n s t o t h e
meter M102.
+28V. and --D. C. input con-
Defective M102 meter.
c. Replace M102 meter.
Defective reactor box Z101.
a. Replace reactor box Z101.
6 . No indication on FREQUENCY
Blown 0.5 AMPS fuse F102.
b. Replace 0.5 AMPS fuse F102.
meter M103.
Defective VOLTS/AMPS switch.
c. R e p l a c e V O L T S / A M P S s w i t c h
7. No indication on A. C. VOLTS
a. Replace fuse F102.
a. Blown 0.5 AMPS fuse F102.
b. Defective VOLTS/AMPS switch
b. Replace switch S106A.
meter M104.
c. Defective meter M104.
c. Replace meter M104.
8. Inverter will not start.
a. S e t D . C . A M M E T E R R A N G E
tor not properly positioned.
selector on START.
b. DC power source.
b. Check dc power source.
c. Defective microswitch (located in
c. R e m o v e a n d c h e c k o r r e p l a c e
d. Check and/or replace relay.
e. Troubleshoot inverter starting
e. Defective inverter.
f. Follow instructions in paragraph 2-
f. I n v e r t e r r e q u i r e s t h a t L I V E
CIRCUIT switch be turned on.
a. Replace fuse F103.
9. A. C. AMPS meter not indicating
a. Blown fuse F103.
b. Replace LOAD switch.
when LOAD switch is on.
b. Defective LOAD switch.
a. Replace bulb.
10. With D. C. POWER switch ON
a. Burned-out light bulb.
b. Replace D. C. POWER switch.
b. Defective D. C. POWER switch.
and inverter operating, green in-
dicating light does not go on.
11. Inverter stops when D. C.
D. C. AMMETER RANGE selector
moved to
overloading the D. C. AMMETER.
R e p l a c e indicating light bulb and
L i v e circuit fuse blown and light
12. Live circuit cannot be energized.
burned out.
5-5. General Parts Replacement Techniques
and B-3 for the location of all parts.
No special tools are required to service the Test
handtools, normally used by technicians and
a. Meter Tolerance Check. Use the following
electricians, are required for routine service,
test equipment to verify that the meter is within
Test equipment
Ammeter ME-65/U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. C. AMPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2%
Ammeter, panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D. C. AMPS .. ... . . . . . . . . 2%
Multimeter TS-352B/U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. C. VOLTS . . . . . . . . . . . 2%
V o l t m e t e r , Electronic ME-202A/U . . . . . . . . A. C. VOLTS . . . . . . . . . 2%
Counter, Electronic, Digital Read-out AN/USM-207 . . . FREQUENCY . . . . . . . . . 2 Hz
(2) Connect the inverter as instructed in
(3) Adjust the inverter output to 400 cycles
(as read on Counter, Electronic, Digital Readout
(1) Connect Counter, Electronic, Digital
AN/USM-207) at 115 volts.
Readout AN/USM-207 to the ac terminals of the
(4) If the FREQUENCY meter on the tester
reactor box (fig. 5-1) or to the output terminals of
panel reads less than 399 or more than 401 cycles,
an inverter.