TM 11-6625-680-14-2
d. Clean the front panel, meters and switches;
use a soft, clean cloth. If necessary, dampen the
Inspect the exterior of the equipment. The ex-
cloth with water; mild soap may be used for more
terior surfaces should be free of dust, dirt, grease,
effective cleaning.
and fungus.
a. Remove dust and loose dirt with a clean,
3-9. Touchup Painting Instructions
soft cloth.
Remove rust and corrosion from metal surfaces
by lightly sanding them with fine sandpaper.
The fumes of trichloroethane used for
Brush two thin coats of paint on the bare metal to
cleaning purposes are toxic. Provide
protect it from further corrosion. Refer to the
thorough ventilation whenever used. Do
applicable cleaning and refinishing practices
near an
specified in TB 746-10.
Trichloroethane is not flammable, but
3-10. Organizational Troubleshooting
exposure of the fumes to an open flame
a. General. The troubleshooting chart ( b
converts the fumes to a highly toxic,
below) will help locate trouble in the tester. Only
dangerous gas.
those corrective measures are given which the
b. Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in dirt
unit repairmen can accomplish. If the corrective
from the case; use a cloth dampened (not wet)
measure does not restore normal equipment
with trichloroethane.
performance, higher category of maintenance is
c. Remove dust or dirt from plugs and packs
with a brush.
b. Troubleshooting Chart.
Do not press on the meter glass when
cleaning; the meters may become
Item to be inspected
Corrective measures
Probable trouble
Check power input and indicator
28V. ON indicator lamp does not
Defective indicator lamp, or no power
lamp. If correct, higher category of
maintenance is required.
D. C. VOLTS meter does not indicate
Check for loose connection in output
C o n n e c t i o n s to meter faulty or
circuit. Check connections to meter.
If meter connections are not faulty,
higher category of maintenance is
D. C. AMPS meter does not indicate
Check for loose connections at meter
Connections to meter or to D. C.
and switch. If connections are not
faulty, higher category of main-
faulty or defective.
tenance is required.
With D. C. POWER switch set to
Higher category of maintenance is
Defective switch . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OFF, D. C. VOLTS meter does not
indicate, lamp does not extinguish.
Overheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Poor ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . .
Check vent openings for excessive
dirt or foreign matter.
3-11. Replacement of
28V. ON
Indicator Lamp
c. Pull the defective lamp out and replace it
with a new one. Push the new lamp in and twist it
a. Turn the indicator jewel counterclockwise
clockwise to lock it.
and pull it out to expose the defective lamp.
d. Secure the indicator jewel in place by
b. Press in the lamp and turn it coun-
turning it clockwise.
terclockwise to unlock it.