4 and 5 and 6 should be between 37 5 and 38 5 volts,
4-16. Transformer and Reactors (PU-750()/A)
across terminals 7 and 8 and 8 and 9 between 14 8 and
Test the encapsulated transformer and the reactors (32,
15 4 volts, and across terminals 7 and 9 between 29 7
33, and 35, fig 4-5), as follows
and 30 7 volts
into the test circuit shown in fig 4-4 With the primary
Ground check the transformer windings by applying
energized at 115 volts ac, 400 Hz and all secondary
750 volts ac, 60 Hz, between all windings and between
leads open, measure the millivolt drop across the 1 0-
each winding and the core (if exposed) for 1 second
ohm resistor The millivolt reading is equivalent to the
no-load magnetizing current to milliamperes, a maxi-
d Check the reactors L1 and L2 meet the following
mum of 20 milliamperes
b Remove the 1 0 ohm resistor and the vacuum
Value in Henries
tube voltmeter from the test circuit With the primary
energized at 115 volts ac, 400 Hz, measure the no-lead
1 09 to 1 15
secondary voltages The voltage across terminals 3 and
0 220 to 0 260