TM 9-6115-730-24
The Field level troubleshooting Malfunction/Symptom Index (WP 0005) lists common malfunctions found during
Field level maintenance of the 200 kW Tactical Quiet Generator (TQG). Identify the malfunction/ symptom that
best describes your problem and then turn to the Troubleshooting Procedures (WP 0006 thru WP 0013). Follow
each step in sequence through the corrective actions listed in the troubleshooting procedures table until a fault is
identified and resolved.
Before you use troubleshooting procedures, be sure you have performed PMCS.
The Troubleshooting Procedures (WP 0006 thru WP 0013) contain procedures that identify symptoms and
malfunctions, that are followed by corrective actions required to return the 200 kW TQG system to normal
operation. The troubleshooting procedures cannot list all possible symptoms or malfunctions or the tests and
inspections required for corrective action. If a malfunction is not listed or is not corrected by the listed corrective
actions, notify your supervisor. Before using troubleshooting be sure you have performed PMCS.
The work package INITIAL SETUP outlines what is needed for the task as well as certain conditions which must be
met before starting the task. Don't start a task until the following conditions exist:
You understand the task.
You understand what you are to do.
You understand what is needed to do the work.
Ensure that you have the correct manual, all related manuals, and test equipment.
The work package troubleshooting procedures have three divisions: SYMPTOM, MALFUNCTION, and CORREC-
TIVE ACTION. Note that the SYMPTOMs are first listed in the Malfunction/Symptom Index (see WP 0005).
SYMPTOM: Symptoms are the indication that the generator set is not operating properly or at peak performance.
The symptom can be an electronically displayed fault code, an alarm or shutdown of the generator set, a visual
observation or a sound. Symptoms tell you that there is a problem.
MALFUNCTION: The malfunctions cause the symptom. In the troubleshooting procedures MALFUNCTIONs are
presented in order of the most likely cause for the SYMPTOM. MALFUNCTION troubleshooting procedures should
be performed in the order in which they appear.
CORRECTIVE ACTIONs are actions intended to correct the problem. The CORRECTIVE ACTION consists of
tests and inspections and any steps you take to isolate the malfunction. A test or inspection leads to a corrective
action. These are the "if" statements that tell you what to do when the malfunction is not fixed. For Army, corrective
action is accomplished by submitting a 5988E to the TAMMS clerk and the clerk processing a job order, with the
unit or direct support (Field Level) maintenance team. For Air Force, corrective action is accomplished by
submitting an AFR 66-1 maintenance reporting form.
Repairable LRUs shall be turned-in, in accordance with official supply procedures.