ARMY TM 9-6115-671-14
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-446-32
MARINE CORPS TM 09249A/09246A-14
(3). Insert the CD labeled " 30/60kW Tactical Quiet Generator CIM Software" in the CD ROM drive
of computer, refer to computer instruction manual.
(4). Insert a blank, formatted 3.5" floppy disk in the 3.5" floppy drive of computer, refer to computer
instruction manual.
(5). Left click mouse on START button in the lower left corner of the screen. The START menu will
pop up on the screen.
(6). Select PROGRAMS, then left click the "MS-DOS Command Prompt" icon.
(7). Type in d: (Note: 'd:' represents the drive letter of the CD ROM drive. This may not be the same
drive letter for all computers. Refer to computer instruction manual to identify the correct drive letter
and use that letter in place of 'd'). Press [ENTER].
(8). After 'D:>\' comes up on screen type in cd batch. Press [ENTER]. (Note: There are three (3)
possible ways to make floppy disks. The following paragraphs describe the 3 options).
(a) To make only one disk type in the command create[SPACE]# where # represents the number
of the disk to be made i.e. "create 2" makes a copy of disk #2.
(b) If more than one disk needs to be made type in the command
create[SPACE]#[SPACE]#[SPACE]# where # represents the number of the disk that is to be made, ie.
To make disks 1, 3, &5 type in "create 1 3 5".
(c) To make all eight (8) disks at one time simply type in the command makeall.
(9). At next prompt (D:\BATCH>) type in the command from (8) above that is applicable to the
number of disks that are to be made, i.e. "create 1", "create 3 4 5
" or "makeall". The names of the
eight (8) disks are as follows:
Disk 1 - Generator Software Remote Operator. Disk 1 of 2
Disk 2 - Generator Software Remote Operator. Disk 2 of 2
Disk 3 - Generator Software Operator Log. Disk 1 of 2
Disk 4 - Generator Software Operator Log. Disk 2 of 2
Disk 5 - Generator Software CIM Network Link. Disk 1 of 1
Disk 6 - Generator Software Windows CE. Disk 1 of 2
Disk 7 - Generator Software Windows CE. Disk 2 of 2
Disk 8 - Generator Software Digital Controls. Disk 1 of 1
(10). Press [ENTER] key. When the copy is complete the screen will prompt you to insert a blank
floppy disk. Label each disk as shown above -i.e. "Generator Software Remote Operator. Disk 2 of 2".
(11). When copying of the required disks is complete, press [ENTER] and type in exit to return to
Windows screen. Remove floppy disk and CD.
f. Floppy Disk procedures. Insert 3.5" floppy disk labeled "Generator Software Remote Operator. Disk 1
of 2", in 3.5" floppy drive of computer, refer to computer instruction manual.
(1). Left click mouse on Windows 95 START button in the lower left corner of the screen. The
START menu will pop up on the screen.
(2). Left click mouse on RUN from the START menu. The RUN window will appear.