ARMY TM 9-6115-671-14
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-446-32
MARINE CORPS TM 09249A/09246A-14
User needs to follow the specific installation instructions for the 485 serial card that is being used.
Refer to Figure 2-12 for information concerning the remote PC setup and pin configurations.
e. Special-purpose software (included in the CD called "30/60kW Tactical Quiet Generator CIM
Software") is provided with the generator set for use at the remote site to process digital signals
between the remote PC and the DCS. This software must be installed on an IBM-compatible PC as
described in step a above. Setup of the software is described in paragraph 2.13.2.
2.13.2 TQG Remote Software Installation.
a. Set up computer in accordance with your computer's instruction manual.
b. Turn on computer. Refer to computer's instruction manual. Wait for computer to boot into Windows
c. The generator set comes with a CD labeled "30/60kW Tactical Quiet Generator CIM Software". If the
computer has a CD ROM drive then use procedures d (1) through d (7) below. If the computer only
has a 3.5 inch floppy drive then floppy disks need to be prepared using instructions provided in
paragraphs e (1) through e (11) below followed by the procedures in paragraphs f (1) through f (7).
d. CD ROM Procedures - Insert the CD in the CD ROM drive of computer, refer to computer instruction
(1). Left click mouse on Windows 95 START button in the lower left corner of the screen. The
START menu will pop up on the screen.
(2). Left click mouse on RUN from the START menu. The RUN window will appear.
(3). Type the following: d:\remop\setup (Note: 'd:' represents the drive letter of the CD ROM drive.
This may not be the same drive letter for all computers. Refer to computer instruction manual to
identify the correct drive letter and use that letter in place of 'd')
(4). Left click on OK button. At this point the setup wizard will guide you through the installation.
(5). To start remote data display software left click mouse on START button in the lower left corner of
the screen. The START menu will pop up on the screen.
(6). Select PROGRAMS, then left click the "Remote Data Display" icon. (Note: If the message
"Error: Communication Failed" comes up on the screen, click OK. This error may come up because
the PC is not connected to the CIM).
(7). To exit out of this screen, move cursor to EXIT button and left click the mouse.
e. Floppy disk preparation. (Note: Any computer that meets the minimum requirements in para. 2.13.1.a
above (except for the RS485 serial card which is not required), and has both a 3.5" floppy drive and
CD ROM drive can be used for these procedures).
(1). Set up computer in accordance with your computer's instruction manual.
(2). Turn on computer. Refer to computer's instruction manual. Wait for computer to boot.