ARMY TM 9-6115-645-24
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-444-12
MARINE CORPS TM 09244A/09245A-24/2
FIGURE 3-17. Engine Components (Left Side)
Governor actuator bracket (18, FIGURE 4-7) with governor actuator (11) and linkage, and DEAD CRANK
switch (11, FIGURE 2-30) attached. Use hardware from old engine.
Ether start spray nozzle (10, FIGURE 2-27).
Oil pressure sender (2, FIGURE 2-30).
Coolant drain valve (3, FIGURE 2-30).
Coolant temperature sender (4, FIGURE 2-30).
Coolant high temperature switch (5, FIGURE 2-30).
Magnetic pickup (6, FIGURE 2-30). Screw into flywheel housing until magnetic pickup bottoms out, back
out 1-1/2 turns and tighten jam nut.
Diode assembly (13, FIGURE 2-30). Install with band end toward engine.