ARMY TM 9-6115-643-24
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-22
i. If necessary, drill out rivets (20), (22), and (24) and remove identification plates (21), (23), and (25).
2.67.3. Repair.
Wear a protective mask and gloves when sanding CARC painted sur-
faces. CARC paint dust is a health hazard and could cause personal
injury if warning is not followed.
j. Repair all dents and cracks, and remove all loose paint.
k. Remove light corrosion with fine grit abrasive paper (Item 15, Appendix C).
l. Repaint surface in accordance with TM 43-0139. (F) Refer to applicable directives.
2.67.4. Installation.
Install control panel frame (19, FIGURE 2-19) and clamp (18) to control box assembly with bolts (14) and (16) and
nuts (15) and (17).
If removed, install identification plates (21), (23), and (25) on rear panel (19) with rivets (20), (22), and (24).
Install malfunction indicator panel, paragraph 2.47.4; GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER, paragraph
2.46.4; CONVENIENCE RECEPTACLE, paragraph 2.45.4; parallel connector, paragraph 2.63.3; and diagnostic
connector, paragraph 2.62.3.
Install control panel, paragraph 2.66.4.
Install control box assembly, paragraph 2.19.4.
Connect negative battery cable and close battery access door.
2.68.1. Inspection.
a. Inspect side panels (29 and 30, FIGURE 2-19) and air deflector (33) for dents, cracks, loose paint, and corrosion.
b. Inspect for missing or damaged cage nuts (43).
2.68.2. Removal.
a. Shut down generator set.
b. Open battery access door and disconnect negative battery cable.
c. Remove control box top panel, paragraph 2.15.1.
d. Remove bolts (16, 26, and 28, FIGURE 2-19), nuts (17) and (27), and control box side panels (29) and (30) from
generator set.
e. Remove bolts (31), nuts (32), and air deflector (33) from side paneI (30).
2.68.3. Repair.
Wear a protective mask and gloves when sanding CARC painted sur-
faces. CARC paint dust is a health hazard and could cause personal
injury if warning is not followed.