ARMY TM 9-6115-643-24
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-22
g. Move FREQUENCY SELECT switch to 60 Hz position.
h. Connect negative battery cable.
i. Start generator set and adjust frequency to 60 Hz.
j. Multimeter indication should be between 0.781 and 0.923 Ma.
k. Adjust frequency to 62 Hz and multimeter indication should be between 0.923 and 1.071 Ma.
I. Move FREQUENCY SELECT switch to 50 Hz position.
m. Adjust frequency to 50 Hz and multimeter indication should be between 0.071 and 0.213 Ma.
n. Adjust frequency to 52 Hz and multimeter indication should be between 0.213 and 0.355 Ma.
o. Shut down generator set.
p. Replace frequency transducer if readings are other than above.
q. If no repair is needed, remove multimeter and connect wire 181 A to positive (+) terminal of FREQUENCY meter
r. Raise and secure control panel.
s. Install control box top panel, paragraph 2.15.4.
2.51.3. Testing (MEP 814A).
a. Shut down generator set.
b. Open battery access door and disconnect negative battery cable.
c. Release control panel by turning two fasteners and lower control panel slowly.
d. Disconnect wire 181A from positive terminal (+) of FREQUENCY meter (HERTZ).
e. Set multimeter for DC milliamperes (0 to 2 Ma range) and connect positive lead to free end of wire 181A and connect
negative lead to positive terminal (+) of FREQUENCY meter (HERTZ).
f. Connect negative battery cable.
g. Start and operate generator set at rated voltage and adjust frequency to 400 Hz.
h. Multimeter indication should be between 0.229 and 0.271 Ma.
i. Adjust frequency to 412 Hz. Multimeter indication should be between 0.479 and 0.521 Ma.
j. Shut down generator set.
k. Replace frequency transducer if readings are other than above.
I. If no repair is needed, remove multimeter and connect wire 181A to positive terminal (+) of FREQUENCY meter
m. Raise and secure control panel.
2.51.4. Removal.
a. Shut down generator set.
b. Open battery access door and disconnect negative battery cable.
Change 3 2-83