ARMY TM 9-6115-641-24
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-456-12
a. Shut down generator set.
Release control panel by turning two fasteners and lower control panel slowly.
Set multirneter for ohms and measure resistance across resistors R10, R11, R12, and R13. Multimeter indica-
tion should be 7.0 to 7.8 ohms for each resistor.
Using multimeter, measure resistance across resistor R14. Multimeter indication should be 19 to 21 ohms.
Using multimeter, measure resistance across resistor R15. Multimeter indication should be 1235 to 1365 ohms.
Connect positive lead of multimeter to cathode side and negative lead to anode side of each diode CR1 and
CR2. Note ohms indication on multimeter for each diode. Refer to Figure 212.
Reverse multimeter leads so positive lead is on anode side and negative lead is on cathode side of each diode
CR1 and CR2. Note ohms indication on multimeter for each diode.
Figure 2-12. Diode Identification
Multimeter indications should be 1:10 ratio or greater.
If any indication is other than above, replace defective component.
k. Raise and secure control panel.
Connect negative battery cable and close access door.
2-34-3. Removal.
Shut down generator set.
b. Open left side engine access door and disconnect negative battery cable.
Remove control box top panel, paragraph 2-16-1.
d. Tag and disconnect all resistor-diode assembly (39, Figure 2-11) electrical leads.
Remove screws (38) and resistor-diode assembly (39).
2-34-4. Repair.
Repair resistor-diode assembly (39, Figure 2-11) by replacing resistors (40) and diodes (41).
2-34-5. Installation.
a. Install resistor-diode assembly (39, Figure 2-11) with screws (38).
b. Connect all electrical leads and remove tags.
Install control box top panel, paragraph 2-16-4.
d. Connect negative battery cable and close access door.
b. Open battery access door and disconnect negative battery cable.
2-34-2. Testing.