TM 5-6115-630-14&P
3-5. General. The preventive maintenance checks and services listed in Table 3-2 are grouped according to
stages of equipment operation or time intervals. Using the following as a guide, do the checks and services at the
intervals shown.
Before you operate, perform your before (B) PMCS. Observe all CAUTIONS and WARNINGS.
While you operate, perform your during (D) PMCS. Observe all CAUTIONS and WARNINGS.
After you operate, be sure to perform your after (A) PMCS.
Do (W) PMCS weekly.
Do (M) PMCS monthly.
If equipment fails to operate, refer to Section IV Troubleshooting. If the problem cannot be corrected, see
paragraph 3-8, Reporting Deficiencies.
3-6. Purpose of PMCS Table. The purpose of the PMCS table is to provide a systematic method of
inspecting and servicing the equipment. In this way, small defects can be detected early before they become a
major problem causing the equipment to fail to complete its mission. The PMCS table is arranged with the
individual PMCS procedures listed in sequence under assigned intervals. The most logical time (before, during, or
after operation) to perform each procedure determines the interval to which it is assigned. Make a habit of doing
the checks and services in the same order each time and anything wrong will be seen quickly. See paragraph 3-7
for an explanation of the columns in table 3-2.
3-7. Explanation of Columns. The following is a list of the PMCS table column headings with a description
of the information found in each column.
a. Item No. This column shows the sequence in which the checks and services are to be performed, and is
used to identify the equipment area on the Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, DA Form 2404.
b. Interval. This column shows when each check is to be done.
c. Item to be Inspected/Procedures. This column identifies the general area or specific part where the check
is or service is to be done, lists the checks or services to be done and explains how to do them.
d. Equipment is Not Ready/Available If. This column lists conditions that make the equipment unavailable for
use because it is unable to perform its mission or because it would represent a safety hazard. Do not accept or
operate equipment with a condition in the Equipment is Not Ready/Available If column.
3-8. Reporting Deficiencies. If you discover any problem with the equipment during PMCS or while
operating it that you are unable to correct, it must be reported. Refer to DA Pam 738-750 and report the
deficiency using the proper forms.
3-9. Special Instructions. Preventive maintenance is not limited to performing the checks and services
listed in the PMCS table. Covering unused receptacles, stowing unused equipment and other routine procedures
such as equipment inventory, cleaning components, and touch-up painting are not listed in the PMCS table.
These are things you should do any time you see they need to be done. If a routine check is listed in the PMCS
table it is because other operators have reported problems with this item. Take along tools and cleaning cloths