TM 11-6625-680-15
7-1. GENERAL. The Type L-1A Aircraft Motor-
7-4. VOLTMETERS. Voltmeters are comparison
checked with a standard voltmeter. Connect same
Generator Tester is not calibrated as a unit since
the indicating meters operate independently, accord-
range and type standard voltmeter in parallel to in-
ant to tester switching, and test levels at outputs of
stalled voltmeter on the tester, start tester and in-
different inverters. Meters are not calibrated by
verter and adjust to a fixed value. (Refer to Section
complete laboratory procedures and first standards,
IV.) Perform comparison check and ensure both volt-
meters indicate at same value, 2%. M voltmeter-
but are comparison checked with a comparable me-
ter of accepted known standard accuracy. Periodic
day basis. Should erratic meter indications and re-
cordings be evident, perform comparison check of
d with a standard ammeter. Connect same range
erratic meter as required. See figure 7-1 for list
and type standard ammeter in series to installed am-
meter on the tester, start tester and inverter and ad-.
of meters and related data.
comparison check and ensure both ammeters indicate
at same value, 2%. If ammeter-under-test is defec-
7-3. Meters are comparison-checked when the
tester and inverter-under-test are interconnected,
and panel assembly is loosened and access acquired
to panel back.
The frequency meter and reactor (frequency trans-
ducer) are a matched pair and are comparison check-
ed with a similar standard frequency meter and pair-
ed reactor. Connect the similar standard pair in
The interconnected tester- inverter, when
parallel to installed frequency meter and reactor on
energized, developes voltage at a danger-
the tester. Start tester and inverter and adjust until
ous potential. Do not perform meter con-
inverter output is obtained at 400 cycles per second
(CPS) at 115 VAC as indicated on the standard fre-
through 7-8 with the tester in energized
quency meter. Perform comparison check and en-
mode. Exercise extreme caution when
sure both frequency meters indicate at same value
performing adjustments to prevent form-
of 400 CPS, 1 CPS at 400 CPS and 2 CPS at ends
ing loop contacts with both hands. Fail-
of range. If frequency meter and paired reactor-
ure to comply may result in serious
injury to personnel.