TB 11-6115-741-24
1.2.1 In the 1980's Acoustic Suppression Kits (ASKs) were developed for the 3 kW, 5 kW, 10 kW, 15
kW, & 30 kW Mil-Std Generators. The ASKs were purchased as an interim fix for a field requirement to
quiet generator sets. This capability is built into the current TQG Family (first fielded in 1993) that is
replacing Mil-Std generators. Although design drawings were developed for the ASKs, very few spare
part NSNs were established. It was thought that the life of the kit components would exceed the life of
the generator sets. The kits are optional on the generators other than the MEP-701 (which consists of an
MEP-016B with an ASK installed).
The Mil-Std generators have now been out in the field longer than expected, and the ASKs are failing
before the generators are removed from service. Studies indicate that it isn't economical to now purchase
and stock spare parts for the ASKs or to spend significant dollars repairing ASKs when the Mil Std
Generator sets are near the end of their life. CECOM has approved a very flexible approach to repairing
ASKs. Use common sense, CARC paint finished repairs, and maintain the air seal of panels and airflow
to preserve generator set cooling. CECOM does not have stock of complete 3kW, 15 kW or 30 kW
ASKs, though complete 5 & 10 kW ASKs may be available. Though spare parts are not DOD centrally
stocked specifically for the ASKs some hardware may be standard, and thus available from the supply
system or bench stocks.
The STIR describes the requirements for work being performed at Tier 1 and Tier 2.
1.3.1 Tier 1 facilities are shops on military forts/bases/stations that DS/GS or DOL type maintenance
could be performed in. These shops have open bays, overhead cranes or other lifting capability,
compressed air, electricity, waste disposal access, load banks and rudimentary cleaning capabilities.
Repairs could be performed by military personnel, local civilians or contractors, or temporary contractors.
1.3.2 Tier 2 facilities have extensive industrial capabilities such as found at Depots or manufacturer's
factories. In addition to the capabilities found at Tier 1, Tier 2 facilities generally have significant
covered space, extensive cleaning capability, sophisticated testing equipment, dynamometers, fabrication
shops, repair shops, ovens, large paint shops, acquisition staff, and engineering support. Repairs could be
performed by Government civilians or contractors.