TM 9-6115-729-24
REMOVAL - Continued
4. Partly remove reconnection terminal board (Figure 1, Item 2), (WP 0044) sufficiently to gain access to rear of
reconnection terminal board.
5. Remove two plates from front of main load contactor (Figure 1, Item 3), (WP 0048) to gain access to cable
terminals on front of main load contactor.
6. Tag and disconnect cable 110K (Figure 1, Item 4) from terminal 13 on reconnection terminal board (Figure 1,
Item 2) and terminal N on load terminal board assembly (Figure 1, Item 1).
7. Tag and disconnect cable 101A (Figure 1, Item 5) from terminal 1 on reconnection terminal board (Figure 1,
Item 2) and from terminal A1 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item 3).
8. Tag and disconnect cable 102A (Figure 1, Item 6) from terminal 2 of reconnection terminal board (Figure 1,
Item 2) and from terminal B1 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item 3).
9. Tag and disconnect cable 103A (Figure 1, Item 7) from terminal 3 on reconnection terminal board (Figure 1,
Item 2) and from terminal C1 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item 3).
10. Tag and disconnect cable 121A (Figure 1, Item 8) from terminal A2 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item 3)
and from terminal L1 on load terminal board (Figure 1, Item 1).
11. Tag and disconnect cable 122A (Figure 1, Item 9) from terminal B2 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item 3)
and from terminal L2 on load terminal board (Figure 1, Item 1).
12. Tag and disconnect cable 123A (Figure 1, Item 10) from terminal C2 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item 3)
and from terminal L3 on load terminal board (Figure 1, Item 1).
Install tiedown straps as required.
1. Remove tags and connect cable 123A (Figure 1, Item 10) to terminal L3 on load terminal board (Figure 1, Item
1) and to terminal C2 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item 3).
2. Remove tags and connect cable 122A (Figure 1, Item 9) to terminal L2 on load terminal board (Figure 1, Item
1) and to terminal B2 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item 3).
3. Remove tags and connect cable 121A (Figure 1, Item 8) to terminal L1 on load terminal board (Figure 1, Item
1) and to terminal A2 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item 3).
4. Remove tags and connect cable 103A (Figure 1, Item 7) to terminal C1 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item
3) and to terminal 3 on reconnection terminal board (Figure 1, Item 2).
5. Remove tags and connect cable 102A (Figure 1, Item 6) to terminal B1 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item
3) and to terminal 2 on reconnection terminal board (Figure 1, Item 2).
6. Remove tags and connect cable 101A (Figure 1, Item 5) to terminal A1 on main load contactor (Figure 1, Item
3) and to terminal 1 on reconnection terminal board (Figure 1, Item 2).