ARMY TM 9-6115-673-13&P
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-512-1
EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS (Sections II and III) - Continued
│ KD
Items with these codes are not to be
│ KF
requested/requisitioned individually.
│ KB
They are part of a kit which is
authorized to the maintenance category
indicated in the third position of the
SMR code. The complete kit must be
requisitioned and applied.
│ MO - Made at org/AVUM
Items with these codes are not to be
requested/requisitioned individually.
│ MF - Made at DS/AVIM
They must be made from bulk material
which is identified by the part number in
│ MH - Made at GS category
the description and usable on code (UOC)
│ ML - Made at Specialized
column and listed in the Bulk Material
Repair Activity (SRA)
group of the repair parts list. If the
│ MD - Made at Depot
item is authorized to you by the third
position code of the SMR code, but the
source code indicates it is made at a
higher category, order the item from
the higher category of maintenance.
│ AO - Assembled by org/AVUM
Items with these codes are not to be
requested/requisitioned individually.
│ AF - Assembled by DS/AVIM
The parts that make up the assembled item
must be requisitioned or fabricated and
│ AH - Assembled by GS
assembled at the category of maintenance
indicated by the source code. If the
│ AL - Assembled by SRA
third position code of the SMR code
│ AD - Assembled by Depot
authorizes you to replace the item, but
the source code indicates the item is
assembled at a higher category, order the
item from the higher category of